Achieve better IT equipment LCM with a financially optimised refresh process.
Our structured approach to security and network technology management implements an asset-based approach that maximises performance and cost efficiencies.
By understanding how much risk your organisation is currently facing as a result of having outdated security or network technology and how much (if any) would be reduced by the investment, you have to determine if and when outdated technology should be replaced. At what point in the life cycle of technology should an asset, piece of hardware or software be updated or replaced?
Stay ahead of the curve with our security and network life cycle management services
From time to time, vendors may find it necessary to discontinue products and services for a number of reasons, including technology innovations leading to product enhancements and increased functionality, changes in market demand for the product, or obsolescence of components used to build the product.
Security and network life cycle management are not just about regular refreshes, analysing End of Life for hardware and monitoring End of Support. A key element is about predicting the end of your security or networking hardware’s productive life cycle and getting ahead of the curve.
Proper analysis and effective planning enable you to save costs and valuable resources while cutting down on the time you need to care for networking hardware that is past their prime. The recommended technology refresh cycle is no more than 5 years. Waiting that long however could still cost you more in the long run. When security or network technology passes the 3-year mark, switches, routers, firewalls, access points and other equipment could begin to degrade. Costs of service calls associated with each asset could turn out to become more costly than effectively planning their retirement.
Lifecycle management process
We assess your IT infrastructure, cloud environment, users, and workload, for the optimal technology refresh date and cycle. Our experts go beyond advising you when to start your technology refresh. We help plan the refresh in detail for your specific business units. This allows you for an efficient roll-out, occurring in a series of budget-friendly stages. The lifecycle management process enables us to help you design, procure, deploy, secure/maintain, upgrade and ultimately choose the best option for disposition for your security and network assets.
IT procurement
Not only do we support you in hardware renewal, we also provide refurbished equipment, while working with OEM’s to provide new equipment complete with software, licensing, and warranty needs. By shaping an effective program, creating an inventory of all IT assets, combined with additional data that is required to understand assets such as warranties, maintenance status, upgrades and financial information, we enable IT managers to be better informed when it comes to making IT procurement decisions.
Deployment and implementation
Our engineers assist you in creating a structured technology life cycle deployment strategy and process-oriented implementation plan, enabling you to get the most out of your existing security solution or network assets. With an accurate inventory of your equipment, we help you to project the costs for replacement equipment over the next period. This allows you to see the entire life cycle at a glance and make appropriate plans for proactive replacement each year.
Network and security, maintenance and upgrades
We specialise in network security, virtualisation/cloud, WAN/SD-WAN, cyber-risk assessments, storage and backup services, and Professional services. However, large organisations face special challenges and might be able to devote more resources to innovation, by saving money on hardware upgrades and End of Support with a thorough technology life cycle management program.
Security and network architecture
We provide expert consultation on EoL/EoS for networking equipment, cloud networking, data centre, and security solutions. We assist you in defining the technology and support requirements as well as the selection of technology that meets your security or network design, requirements and budget.
Decommission, E-Cycle, and disposal
Decommissioning and repurposing of existing assets including consignment, purchase and trade-up options. We provide data erasure and compliant recycling services when applicable.